Lesson Plans
Scholastic Art Magazine
"Statement Still Lifes." Wayne Thiebaud: Working with Composition. Scholastic Art. September 2019. Vol. 50 (1).
"Design Your Dream Shoe." The A in STEAM: Art and Design. Scholastic Art. October/November 2018. Vol. 49 (2).
"Statement Still Lifes Hands on Project - September 2019." Scholastic Art.
"The A in STEAM: Art and Design - Oct / Nov 2018." Scholastic Art.
Articles and Interviews
Ed Tech Magazine
Quoted in this article for an interview
Interview with Making Stuff Outreach Community of NOVA Education, PBS
US News and World Report
District Administration Magazine
District Administration is a publication for K-12 education administrators, the current circulation is 70,000+. STEAM: Adding Art to STEM Education
District Administration
Education thought leaders forecast 2015 trends
Voxxi, Why STEM education is in Need of some STEAM
WBEZ, Chicago, Artsy Isn't Fartsy, Why Art Education Matters, Radio interview
stemtosteam.org case study interview
K-12 Students See STEAM Everyday, academic research journal
Presentations and Workshops
National Science Teachers Association, More than What's Made
Invited Keynote Panelist, STEM Conference, Denver, CO, 2016
Colloquium: Invention and Innovation, RISD Museum
Professional Development Workshop:Colloquium: Invention and Innovation on our.risd.edu
Andover Public Schools
Instructor, STEAM in the Classroom, Professional Development Course
Lexington Public Schools
Malden Public Library, Presenter, Art Talk Tuesday
North Shore Science Supervisors Association of Massachusetts, Invited Guest
Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts, co presenter